TSAP is honored to introduce you to Embrace the Brace, a movement founded by Girl Scout Ava. Ava was diagnosed with scoliosis and is using a back brace for treatment. She began Embrace the Brace as a way to support other people with scoliosis. We are grateful for her commitment to increasing scoliosis awareness in our community. Below is her vision for Embrace the Brace.
"The goal of Embrace the Brace is to provide kids and teens with peer support they may need as they venture into their scoliosis journey.
My scoliosis journey began in 2019 when I was 14 years old. I felt alone and sometimes scared.
There are many online support groups for parents, but not so much for the kids themselves. Embrace the Brace includes a series of YouTube videos to help other kids and teens know that they are not alone.
My hope is kids and teens will have the opportunity to see the videos and feel comfort in knowing there's another teen with scoliosis out there for them."
Check out some of Ava's videos below!